Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

1:1 Laptop Computer Initiative

i don't know what i would do if i had a laptop for every kid in class? Could you imagine what they could learn? The things we have learned in the class, we coul dput into use with the kids. Why can't we make this happen?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Podcasting in the classroom

This is pretty new to me...not podcasting itself (our church does this), but creating one. I think this would be a really good tool if you were going to be out of school due to sickness, field trip, workshop, or any other reason. I set up my podomatic account and i am going to try and make a podcast. at this point, im not sure what to do or how to do it, but it looks pretty cool!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Proper Perspective

Proper Perspective
Monday, June 22nd, 2009

"Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you." -Philippians 4:9

When you see a glass half-filled with water, what do you think? Is it half empty, or is it half full? It all depends on your perspective. So many different circumstances and situations happen in life. Uncertainties and challenges make life difficult, but attitude or perspective can make a positive difference. If you have the right perspective you can experience God's presence, power, promises and peace.

In Philippians 4:9, Paul said to learn from him, to put into practice the right perspective of faith in God no matter what your situation. There are three things we can learn from Paul when it comes to proper perspective.

First, proper perspective sees problems as possibilities. From Paul we learn that we must "live by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). Problems are normal. The key to dealing with our problems is perspective or, as some would say, attitude. When the Israelite soldiers saw Goliath, they thought, "He is so big we can never kill him." When David saw Goliath, he had a different attitude. In fact, he may have even thought, "He is so big I can't miss him." If you see problems as possibilities, you have the perspective that nothing is going to come up that you and Jesus can't handle together.

Secondly, proper perspective sees people in relation to their potential. To the Philippian Christians, Paul wrote, "I thank God every time I remember you" (1:3). How do you see others? Do you see their potential? Jesus saw people that way. He encouraged them to become who God created them to be. How we relate to others and how we seek to encourage them can make a huge difference in their lives. Your teammates will not join FCA if your Huddle is cold and indifferent. They will become a part of a Huddle that sees people through the eyes of Christ and seeks to develop their full potential.

Third, proper perspective sees the present in relation to God's promises. Paul wrote to the Philippians from jail. Rather than self-pity, however, his letter was full of joy. Paul was pressing on toward the goal (3:13-14). Is your mind fixed on things above or things below? We cannot do anything about the trying situations of life, but we can do something about our attitudes. What happens IN me is more important than what happens TO me. I must see the present in relation to God's promises, so that I, like Paul, can press onward and upward toward the goal. I believe that I can “do everything through him who gives me strength" (3:13) and that my "God will meet all [my] needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (3:19).

The most significant decision I can make on a daily basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than what happened yesterday—more important than my successes, my failures, my pain; more important than what people think about me or my situation. Attitude is the thing that can keep me going or make me quit. Attitude can fuel my fire or destroy my hope.

When my attitudes are right, no mountain is too high, no valley too deep and no challenge too great that I can't face it with the Lord's strength. Let the promises of God speak to your heart. Pray that God will give you a clear perspective, a right perspective, a proper perspective.

In the Classroom...

School Solutions: G.R.E.A.T. Program Teaches Kids to Avoid Gangs

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Its officially my second fathers day. This year i am celebrating it with my daughter (2years old) and my son (4weeks old). I have always heard that your heart grows with each child, and that you will love the 2nd as much as the 1st. I wasn't quit sure until the 2nd came along. Its different though. With my daughter i am in love with her, and with my son he's my buddy. I have the best of both worlds. i can take my daughter out on dates and show her how her future husband should treat her. And with my son, i can teach him how to treat a lady and be a man of God. What better way can you spend fathers day!

He didn't have to wake up
He'd been up all night
Layin’ there in bed listenin’
To his new born baby cry
He makes a pot of coffee
He splashes water on his face
His wife gives him a kiss and says
It gonna be OK

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon we'll look back laughin’
At the week we brought her home
This phase is gonna fly by
So baby just hold on
‘Cause it won't be like this for long

Four years later ‘bout 4:30
She's crawling in their bed
And when he drops her off at preschool
She's clinging to his leg
The teacher peels her off of him
He says what can I do
She says now don't you worry
This’ll only last a week or two

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon you'll drop her off
And she won’t even know you're gone
This phase is gonna fly by
If you can just hold on
It won’t be like this for long

Some day soon she'll be a teenager
And at times he'll think she hates him
Then he'll walk her down the aisle
And he'll raise her veil
But right now she's up and cryin’
And the truth is that he don't mind
As he kisses her good night
And she says her prayers

He lays down there beside her
‘Til her eyes are finally closed
And just watchin’ her it breaks his heart
Cause he already knows

It won’t be like this for long
One day soon that little girl is gonna be
All grown up and gone
Yeah, this phase is gonna fly by
So, he's tryin’ to hold on

‘Cause it won’t be like this for long

It won’t be like this for long

Friday, June 19, 2009

Reflection of the Class

Is this MED class meeting my needs for technology?
without sounding corny, this class has been one of the better courses i have taken. i have learned more useful tools not just for my classroom, but in my own tech. use. I didn't realize that there was all of these tools that i could use in my class. the websites are also very helpful. Especially webquest. i am looking at using that one if i am moved to science next year!

Any specific things we haven't addressed?
i will come back to this one if i can think of any topics i would like to know more about.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Internet Safety for kids

Lets face it...we can't be on every website our kids are on 24 hours of the day.
we must teach our kids to be cautious.
- don't give out personal information
- never use your full "real" name
- if you chat, know who you are chatting with
here is a link to view a cool and fun way to teach your kids internet safety:
as a teacher having a program where you can look on with the students and block any material they see!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wikis in the Classroom

Response to article...

What are wiki's?
Its like a Google doc with discussion boards. its an interactive site that allows students to participate and contribute to class projects and discussions.

What is the instructional value of wiki's?
The instructional value can be high if used correctly. students can work from home or school and do ongoing projects that would use group work. Plus a teacher can moderate the posts and discussion to maintain relative content. Teachers must monitor the relevance of the information they are using. some sites that are blog based are not always factual!

How can this tool be used in the classroom?
At this point in our economical situation, this can not be used in the classroom, unless you are doing it at school only. some students do not have access to internet, computers, etc. This would further increase the gap between students of privilege.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blogging in Education

Discussing the advantages of blogging in education...Ch. 1.

Blogging can be a very useful tool. I have personally set up a blog through my school web page. Negative side is that a lot of m y students don't have internet access at home. Now if there was a way to blog through texting, then no child would be left behind!

I agree with the article when it points out that have got to be aware of the inappropriate material available on the web and through blogs, etc. We have to teach students what is right and wrong. By teaching them, we are showing them that they can be caught and get into serious trouble by putting that material on the web. This is not like a note you pass in class, the web is for all to see!

We also have to protect the privacy of the students. I like that states are making laws that protect and limit the amount of personal material that parents allow to be published. With 2 small children that will be growing up in this age, its reassuring that the laws will only get tougher!

Doing the Right thing...

Why do so many people struggle with doing the right thing? I guess that there are so many definitions on what is "right". My high school football coach, Hal Capps, always preached to us to do the right thing. Pushing in your cart at walmart, cleaning your room without your parents telling you to, or picking up trash when you see it.
Now my life has transitioned to doing the right hing with my children. Having a 2 year old and a 1 month old. Now its doing the right thing for time-outs, not yelling, too much tv. etc.